Short Jokes
What did the car said to the valet? I’ve been through a lot.
What did the car said to the valet? I’ve been through a lot.
I saw a French rifle on eBay today It’s never been fired but I heard it was dropped once.
What’s black, blue and doesn’t look too well? Stevie Wonder
Have you ever heard of the movie “Constipation”? No? Most likely because it never came out.
What’s the difference between a blonde and a washer? When you dump your load in a washer, it doesn’t follow you around for a week.
With Facebook, you can stay in touch with people you would otherwise never talk to, but that’s only one of the many awful things about it
I’ve struggled for years to be above the influence… But I’ve never been able to get that high
Roses are red, Violets are blue. I have a gun. Get in the van.
What’s the difference between a car tyre, and 365 condoms? One’s a Goodyear, an the other’s a great year.
Someone didnt click the button in /r/thebutton Yeah… Thats a good joke , he impossible!