Short Jokes
Funniest joke ever Your dick is big
Funniest joke ever Your dick is big
Nice being home from work so I can finally continue sitting only now it’s in a slightly more comfortable environment.
did you hear about the kidnapping at the high school? It’s OK. He woke up.
I sleep with all my cupboards opened so that when i bump into them while sleep walking im woken up abruptly
Why are people afraid to talk to black people? Their scared they’ll say something nigative
I was in NYC and a black guy asked me if the Yankees won. I replied, “Yeah, man, you’re free.”
My crazy neighbor claims she was robbed last night. I know she is crazy because I found all her medication as I was breaking into her house.
They should sell flags for fake countries so people can burn them without offending anyone.
A man goes to his Doctor. man- Doc i cant stop singing Tom Jones songs, have you ever heard of such a thing? Doctor- Its not unusual.
What did the Banana say to the Vibrator “I don’t know why you’re shaking, she’s going to eat me!”