Short Jokes
I stole a Tom Cruise movie from the store the other day… It was Risky Business.
I stole a Tom Cruise movie from the store the other day… It was Risky Business.
North Korea claiming they test fired a big rock at Russia.
What did the elephant say when it saw the Chihuahuas coming down the road? Look out for the mice!
What is better than Roses on a Piano? Tulips on an Organ.
What do you call a Hebrew that lives in the Alpines? A Mountain Jew.
Did you guys hear the news? Apparently Donald Trump is a cuck.
Give a man a jacket, and he will be warm for the day. Teach a man to jacket, and he will never leave his house.
What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck
How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? None, because feminists cant change anything.
Alcohol makes people do things they know they shouldn’t but kinda want to. E.g I started sleeping 20 hours a day.