Short Jokes
Steve wrote home. ‘I’m glad you named me Steve’ he said in the letter. ‘Why?’ asked his mother in her reply. ‘Because that’s what all the kids at camp call me’ he wrote back.
Steve wrote home. ‘I’m glad you named me Steve’ he said in the letter. ‘Why?’ asked his mother in her reply. ‘Because that’s what all the kids at camp call me’ he wrote back.
Two fish are in a tank… One is driving, and the other is manning the guns.
What is the favorite food joint of dubstep makers? Sub-WUB-WUB-WUB-way
How do you stop a baby from crawling in circles? Nail its other hand to the floor.
Why do golfers wear 2 pairs of pants? Incase he gets a hole in one
What is a bear’s favourite drink ? Koka-Koala !
Orange Julius is the third best thing to happen to oranges behind mimosas and the “orange you glad I didn’t say banana” knock knock joke
Brexit There is a new slimming product in town. It is called Brexit. It’ll help you lose a lot of pounds.
An irishman walks out of a bar…
What does a sheep call a film it doesn’t like? a baaahhhd movie. ( )