Short Jokes
So, this baby seal walks into a club… [o(;_;)o](
So, this baby seal walks into a club… [o(;_;)o](
In honour of Back To The Future, I just went back in time one hour. That’s the joke.
How do you spot a blind man at a nudist colony? It’s not hard.
“This birthday cake certainly is crunchy.” “Maybe you should spit out the plate!”
Toilet stolen from police station Cops have nothing to go on.
What do you feed a disappearing cat? Evaporated milk
I only date right handed women… Righty tighty, lefty loosey
Why does Dr. Pepper come in bottles? Because his wife is dead.
Ate a salad for lunch so basically I didn’t eat lunch.
Flavor Flav turns 51 today. He’ll spend a quiet day at home, still resting up after a weekend of moving clocks forward.