Short Jokes
Prison counts as a gated community, right?
Prison counts as a gated community, right?
What’s Miley Cyrus eating for Thanksgiving.. Twerky!
I had this problem where the cap wouldn’t stay on my whiskey bottle. So I fixed it with scotch tape.
Why were they called the dark ages? Because there were so many knights! Credit: watching Mr. D on Netflix
Who is this “one”? And why is he always arguing with people?
Twitter is working worse than a dollar store pregnancy test.
The pope walks into a Mosque A Muslim looks up and asks “Why the wrong faith?”
I don’t trust stairs They’re always up to something…
What do people call their grandmother in India? Naana
Duck Dynasty guy is right– if we baptize all those ISIS guys, Iraq will be safe because Christians never start wars for bullshit reasons.