Short Jokes
What is the worse thing for a guy to say after sex? My name is Barry Allen
What is the worse thing for a guy to say after sex? My name is Barry Allen
What’s a minister’s favorite food? Tacos al pastor
How does a nihilist propose to his fiancee? “Even though my existence is meaningless I want to spend the rest of it with you.”
I work hard so my dog can have a better life.
My inspiration for jokes is like a guy at a brothel… It comes and goes… It also occasionally sucks 😉
My son got me some very expensive cologne for Father’s Day. I know it was very expensive because he used my credit card.
What bees makes the best milk ? Boob-bees And also this is my first time using Reddit and my account is only 30 minutes old by the time of this post so I have no idea what I am doing
Velcro. What a rip off!
What did the snail say when he was riding on the back of the turtle? Weeeeeeeeee
Browsing this sub is like mining in a cave Full of bat shit and I mostly get the same things over again, but it’s worth the occasional gold I find.