Short Jokes
Is it just me…… or does anybody else find pressing F5 refreshing ?
Is it just me…… or does anybody else find pressing F5 refreshing ?
I once thought about becoming a proctologist… but I can’t imagine spending my entire workday dealing with assholes.
Why is six afraid of seven? Because 7 is a prime number and those are pretty intimidating.
A cannibal passes a Girl Scout cookie stand. “How many girl scouts are these cookies made of?” he asks with a large smile on his face.
Someone tell my kid that if I wanted to hear high-pitched shrieking all night, I would have become a murderer.
What do Jews and Snorlax have in common? They always lie
What are pupils at ghost schools called? Ghoulboys and ghoulgirls.
Why do cow wear bells? Why do cow wear bells …….???? Because their don’t work 😀 😛
I heard Israel is planning another false flag attack… The Mossad is going to nuke Gaza and blame it on the IDF.
what do homosexuals and peanut butter have in common? They both dont come in boxes