Short Jokes
What did cinderella do when she got to the ball? choked
What did cinderella do when she got to the ball? choked
What’s the difference between half a dozen dicks and the truth? You can’t handle the truth.
Not picking up the phone is some of the most fun you can have with a phone.
Why does a chicken coop have two doors? Because if it had four doors, it would be a chicken sedan.
I threw a Bukakke party last night…… it was terrible nobody came.
I totally get why women are attracted to men who ride motorcycles. Like you increase your chances of getting to have two husbands by a lot.
There is a company called Kia and a company called Nokia. I’m not sure who to believe.
Sex is like Gardening. Sex is like gardening, old women do it alone while they think of their dead husbands. @johntole
Why will the next IPhones be the hottest best selling phones? Because they’ll be sexy(6c) and a success(6s)
I feel bad for men with erectile disfunction, but they all seem to be handling it well. It’s like all of them literally can’t give a fuck.