Short Jokes
A guy walks into a bar with a gun and shouts “Which one of you fuckers is reposting jokes on r/jokes?” A voice from the back called out “I don’t think you have enough bullets m8.”
A guy walks into a bar with a gun and shouts “Which one of you fuckers is reposting jokes on r/jokes?” A voice from the back called out “I don’t think you have enough bullets m8.”
My father’s kids won’t get this… …love.
What’s Thom Yorke’s reddit? /u/KarmaPuhlease
How do you get to the front page of reddit ? Lack of originality
How do you get an 80 year-old woman to swear? How do you get an 80 year-old woman to yell “F*ck”? You get another 80 year-old woman next to her to yell “BINGO”
My friend Stephen misheard me when I invited him to this CrossFit gym. He’s going to have a hell of a time running in stilettos.
How much does a midget stripper with three kids get paid? Mini-mom wage.
What is moist, smells great, and is for dinner tonight? My poop
What do you call a white slave? Whipped cream.
I will let someone cut the line I’m waiting in, but only if they let me braid their hair from behind.