Short Jokes
It must be pretty bad being the wife of a suicide bomber… Because if they come home after work, they’ve had a bad day.
It must be pretty bad being the wife of a suicide bomber… Because if they come home after work, they’ve had a bad day.
Today I have learnt – if you try and give someone the finger whilst wearing mittens, you are basically just showing them your mittens.
You can tell Tim Horton’s is a Canadian franchise, because my donut just apologized for making me fat.
my book club evolved into a fight club so gradually I almost didn’t notice
Breaking has eye removed. Now he’s just Will Am (I’m sorry it only works in speech form)
Why are hamburgers essential to football? Because the game is played on a griddle-iron!
TIFU by getting meatball marinara instead of steak and cheese… Oops, wrong sub
How many gnomes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Just the two, really. Or as many as will fit, if theyre feeling frisky.
My 6yo daughter’s teacher just gave me a “Most Improved Ponytail” award.
What do snotty vegetables do when they see something they don’t like ? They ‘turnip’ their noses.