Short Jokes
If 7 out of 10 sports fans have below average intelligence, what percentage of sports fans is that? 110%. [Aaaaaand we prove once again that morons are humorless. Really should know that by now.]
If 7 out of 10 sports fans have below average intelligence, what percentage of sports fans is that? 110%. [Aaaaaand we prove once again that morons are humorless. Really should know that by now.]
Funniest joke 2015 I can’t(won’t) steal it so here is the original link
you’re lucky I can teach you how to shave my dad wasnt around to teach me. now watch *presses razor against face and moves head up and down*
Why do people say tunafish, rather than just tuna? Is that to differentiate from the tunacow and tunagiraffe?
How did 1940’s German Men pick up Jewish Girls With a broom and a dustpan
I get so fustrated when people say “supposably” or “irregardless” I feel like I’m literally drownding
Guy in the club: *lifts up his shirt* I do 400 crunches a day. Me: How many more until you get a personality?
I got a job as a bounty hunter in China. Couldn’t believe my luck, every time they put a new wanted poster up, the guy they were after was standing right next to me!
3 blondes walk in to a bar you’d think one of them would have seen it
Why did Hitler kill himself? He finally got the gas bill.