Short Jokes
Crocodiles; these prehistoric beasts can grow up to 20 feet! Although most just grow 4.
Crocodiles; these prehistoric beasts can grow up to 20 feet! Although most just grow 4.
What times does the chinaman go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty
As my wife gave birth all the doctors yelled, “Push!” I was convinced it was a Pull door.
I once dated a dyslexic woman. I took her home and she cooked my sock.
Why is Islam called the religion of peace? After you leave the religion, you rest in peace.
Why can’t two Asians have a white baby? Because two wongs don’t make a white
Playing the prequel to Angry Birds where the pigs fuck all the birds’ wives.
Michael J. Fox was in a car crash… …a bystander ran up to check if he was ok. “Yeah…” Michael said “I’m just a little shaken up”
Get in on Syrian real estate now! The markets are exploding!
How Much Did the Pirate Charge For Corn? A buck an ear