Short Jokes
What do a guitar and a drum have in common? Neither of them are a clarinet!
What do a guitar and a drum have in common? Neither of them are a clarinet!
I’m going to talk to my broker today about cashing in some of my stocks. And by that I mean, “taking all my change to the coinstar machine”
Today somebody told me about a bear that climbs a mountain… …But the story goes downhill from there.
How do you think bus driver interviews go? Applicant: Sorry I’m late! Interviewer: You’re hired!
Shit. Gotta huge job interview tomorrow and I have no clue where I put my prom dress
“I ruined my health by drinking to everyone Else’s.”
Why was diarrhoea classified under hereditary diseases? It runs in the Jeans.
“It’s not a colonoscopy, it’s a colonoscpportunity!” – gastroenterologist who is also a motivational speaker
Why was the lion-tamer fined ? He parked on a yellow lion !
Who is the king of the pencil case? The Ruler