Short Jokes
I’m worried about my friend My friend has just be diagnosed as a Polaroid Schizophrenic. It developed quickly.
I’m worried about my friend My friend has just be diagnosed as a Polaroid Schizophrenic. It developed quickly.
Why did a man’s pet vulture not make a sound for five years? It was stuffed.
3 Old Women and a Flasher Three old women are sitting on a park bench when a man comes by and flashes them. Two of them have a stroke, and the third one couldn’t reach.
How does the moon cut his hair? ‘Eclipse it Thought it was relevant to today’s eclipse…
Chuck Norris never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear.
Kill me once, shame on me. Kill me twice, shaman you.
If you’re behind someone at an ATM late night, let them know you’re not a threat by giving them a gentle kiss on their neck.
I’m pretty sure I have all of those countless hours spent playing Tetris to thank for my mad dishwasher loading skills.
How much does a corpse weigh? A skele-ton
The band The Doors have decided to change their name after the next member dies It’s gonna be Three Doors Down.