Short Jokes
After A Game “We kicked their asses!” “Yeah, we rectum.”
After A Game “We kicked their asses!” “Yeah, we rectum.”
What do you call a cow with only two legs? Lean Beef!
Why are snakes hard to fool ? They have no legs to pull !
Q. What do you call a blonde who dies her hair brown? A. Artificial intelligence.
What is Obama’s least favorite Christmas Carol? Let It Snowden.
Yes, I read the Internet. But only for the articles.
A man is stranded on a dessert island and it was delicious.
I read to blind kids in my spare time. Their favorite book is “2dots1dot3dots 4dots3dots 5dots2dots1dot 2dots1dot5dots.”
How did the redditor get lots of downvotes? What is a pirate’s favourite letter?
A blonde is walking down the street with a pig on a leash. Someone approaches and says, “Cool! Where did you get that?” The pig replies, “I won her in a raffle.”